Monday, March 26, 2012

Arm supinated

Here are the arms sculpts. I'm a bit behind so I'm moving on towards the leg study in hopes of catching up with the full body stuff.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Week 2 arm 45-90-180

Arms at 180 was pretty much a breakdown and rebuild for the shoulders. On to the arms tutorial!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Week2 Sculpt

Not really finished, but I've got to keep to the schedule, so here's the 45 degree sculpt I have so far. Let's hope I can dial in the details better as I proceed with the angle changes.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wk2 DigitalFigureSculpting - Scapulo-Humeral Rhythm

Base Sculpt of the Arms raised at 45 degrees. Will continue with arms at 0. 90.135 and 180 degrees.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week1 DigitalFigureSculpting - Torso

A Practice Session on Figure Sculpting, focusing on the male torso. Sculpted in Zbrush and Rendered in Keyshot. Hope you like it!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Pascal Chameleon Texture and Render

Here's a sculpt I did several months ago. I updated it with polypaint textures from zbrush, and rendered it in Keyshot. He's Pascal from Disney's animated feature Rapunzel, also known as "Tangled". Hope you like it ;D